The blood of Jesus only does three things – it is:
1) Godward – the Blood pleases God
2) Manward – purges our conscience so we can approach God
3) Satanward – to overcome
God is pleased with the blood He shed, He is satisfied with the blood of Jesus as a ransom for sin forgiving forever
The Blood of Jesus is God’s anger-quencher
Whenever God is upset with man, it’s the blood that speaks for us – it’s the voice of the advocate in Heaven
The blood purges man’s sins and frees man’s conscience
The blood cleanses sins not the sinner and restores fellowship – the blood of Jesus is a bleach to sin
The blood of Jesus doesn’t wash us, it only washes our sins – it is the cross that deals with me the sinner
When you are crucified, the fruit of the Spirit is manifest perfectly in you in equal proportion
God’s way of deliverance is not to correct the past, God’s way of deliverance is to weaken you until you die in that area of sin
Unless you accept your defeat in the area of sin, God will never bring you help because you will be trying to stop in your own strength – God wants to do all the work so He can take all the glory
The way to victory is through the substitution
Substitution = God putting Jesus in your stead so He does it for you
It is the cross of Christ that deals with man, not the blood of Jesus – the blood deals with man’s sins
The cross is what destroys the factory (our sinful nature)
The blood is what destroys the products (our sins)